Auditorium buildings are special structures needing much attention for it to\nfunction properly. Generally, consideration should be given to seating, sightlines,\nand acoustic requirements. In addition, the design should ensure performer-\naudience intimacy as much as possible. The focus of the study is to\nreview design strategies for auditoria on the Kwame Nkrumah University of\nScience and Technology, Kumasi campus towards compliance and to develop\nsolutions for improvements that will enhance the performance of 4 selected\nauditorium facilities. Case study, observation and measurements were the\nmain strategies used. The results revealed that the approaches involved in\nauditorium designs are shape, volume, surface boundary dimensions and\nmaterials, stage, seating, foyers and sightlines. These parameters are grouped\nunder acoustical, functional and programmatic parameters. Reverberation\ntime calculated was high which indicated speech intelligibility problems,\nhence, improvement efforts were made to change the floor materials from\npolished tiles to carpeted floors, and high absorption wall claddings. In the\nprocess, the reverberation time was reduced from 1.47 - 2.23 to 0.84 - 1.73 for\nthe studied buildings. The study recommends strict adherence to standards\nand guidelines, and for designers to have a keen focus on designing these special\nbuildings. A renovation effort when undertaken, will lead to improvements\nin the performance of the selected buildings.